In compliance with the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services Act 34/ 2002, of 11 July 2002, (LSSI CE), we would like to inform users of the data of the company that owns this website:
Registered Trading Address: C/ Puigmal, s/n. (08272) Sant Fruitós de Bages
Domain name (website):
DISSENY, ESTUDI i MECANITZACIÓ, S.L. is registered at Registre Mercantil de Barcelona, Tom 26805, Foli 0059, Secció General Full B-108745 Inscripció 1ª
All rights reserved.
As a general rule, DEM does not record personal data that allows a User to be identified when browsing on the Websites; however, it does record commercial and non-personal data when information is requested using the contact form.
These data are stored to carry out the valuation and economic proposal to the party requiring the information. This information is subject to criteria of confidentiality. In the event that the data collection may come under the terms of European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 and other applicable regulations, this data collection will be subject to the preventions of the Law and complementary regulations. In any event, users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by means of written communication to the address: C/ Puigmal. s/n, (08272) Sant Fruitós de Bages, stating in their request the specific exercise of the right they wish to exercise, enclosing a photocopy of their National ID Card/Tax Code (DNI/NIE) or Passport and indicating their address for the purpose of notifications. The header of the document should clearly state “Data Protection”. These rights may also be exercised, complying with the requirements set out, by means of email addressed to, indicating “Data Protection” in the Subject line.
If the company sends news, promotions, offers, etc., this will be done anonymously, insofar as the email data are not related to any personal data, or to any relational database. In the event that the User wishes to unsubscribe from receiving information, they should send an email to, indicating in the Subject line: “Unsubscribe email”.
DEM will maintain the complete privacy of its Users and of all their data and will never give personal information to third parties without the User’s express consent.
As data controller, DEM guarantees that it adopts the legally required security measures in matters of data protection, similarly guaranteeing that it will maintain the confidentiality of the personal data that are provided to it by the Users.
Under the name of, the owner of the business is DISSENY, ESTUDI I MECANITZACIÓ, S.L., with registered address at C/ Puigmal, s/n, (08272) Sant Fruitós de Bages.