Conditions of use

The use of this website is subject to the following conditions of use. We request you to read them carefully. The fact you accede, to use and/or to unload the materials contained in it implies that you have read and accepted these conditions, in own name and name of the organization or person in whose representation you act, without reservation.


1.- Conditions of use

This website contains materials prepared by DISSENY, ESTUDI i MECANITZACIÓ, S.L. (from now on DEM) with solely informative aims. DEM reserves the right to correct any error or omission contained in the website. Also, DEM reserves the right to carry out without previous warning the modifications of materials, products or services that it considers opportune, to delete or to add content and services that DEM provides as the form in which these are displayed.

The connections or links that this website contains can lead the user to other sites and webpages managed by thirdparties, on which DEM does not exert any type of control. DEM is not to be held responsible for either the contents nor of the state of these websites and the access to the ones from this page does not imply that DEM recommends or approves its contents either or that it is affiliated or associated with, or authorized legally to use any mark, commercial name, logo, or symbol of copyright shown in these websites, or that those linked pages are authorized to use the mark, the commercial name, the logo or the symbol of copyright of DEM.


2.- Limitation and Responsibility

All the information -including that provided through the use of any software- and materials of this website are supplied “as is”, without any guarantee, express or tacit in relation to its exactitude or reliability.

is not responsible for direct or indirect damage or other loss that could be caused by the use or the incapacity to use the content, the material or functions of the DEM’s website or any linked website.

DEM does not guarantee the absence of harmful viruses or other elements that could cause damage or alterations in the computer system, electronic documents or the files of the user of this website. In consequence, DEM is not responsible for damage and harm that such elements could cause to the user or to thirdparties.

DEM does not guarantee that the material contained in this website is appropriate or available for its use, nor does it take responsibility for the access to it from places where its content can be considered illegal or prohibited.


3.- Rights of Intellectual Property

The content of this website and its pages are protected by copyright and/or other rights of intellectual and industrial property.

They are prohibited from reproduction -except for private use-, the transformation, public communication, make available of the public and in general any form of exploitation, of all or part of the contents of this website, unless previous consent exists in written form and whenever explicit reference to the titularity of the right of indicated rights of Intellectual Property.

It is also prohibited to detach, to disassemble, to make changes, to sublicense or to transmit by any way, to translate or to make works derived from the DEM software necessary for the operation, access and/or use of this website and the services contained in it, been a copyright of DEM or of its suppliers.

Also, the name DEM and the logo DEM is a trade mark of DEM. Its use is prohibited without the prior written consent of DEM.



All the products mentioned in this website are subjected to the discretion of DEM. The user will have to consult with DEM to obtain the complete data on the possibility of supply of any product or service in which you are interested.